Advanced Victim Engagement Skills for the Workplace

This unique 6o minute training explores advanced communication techniques for engaging victims of domestic violence in the workplace intervention process. We begin with an exploration of common challenges in working with employees affected by domestic violence, such as victims who withdraw cooperation, return to their abuser, or refuse to participate in workplace safety plans. Next, we examine issues around workplace disclosure, discussing the barriers that abuse victims face when coming forward, best practices for response, and ways to encourage employee disclosures. The section that follows examines the differences between an employee's level of support desired and the level of support provided, teaching employers how to recognize and close this crucial service gap. Finally, we delve more deeply into the phenomena of "Reverse Gear", helping attendees understand why abuse victims may withdraw their cooperation in a workplace intervention, and providing a toolbox of techniques for restoring trust and engagement. The training concludes with case management tips, a list of "Do's and Don’ts" for working with domestic violence victims, and a section on maintaining safe and appropriate helper boundaries.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explore the benefits and challenges of abuse disclosure in the workplace, learning how to cultivate an organizational environment of trust and support

  2. Determine a victim's "level of support desired" and discover how to match it with the "level of support provided", by identifying & eliminating the gap between them

  3. Understand why some victims of domestic violence may withdraw engagement in a workplace intervention and how that cooperation can be empathetically restored

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