Customized Trainings
Enjoy a sample training clip from Presage founder, Lynn Fairweather
Jump to Trainings For:
Corporate: Foundational • Intermediate • Advanced
Law Enforcement, Social Services, and Domestic Violence Organizations: All Trainings
Advanced Corporate Trainings
Assessing and Managing
Risk in Dual Employee
Domestic Violence Cases
Supporting Diverse
Employee Groups Impacted
by Domestic Violence
Advanced Victim
Engagement Skills for
the Workplace
Dark Matter:
The Connection Between Domestic Violence
and Mass Murder
The Firewall:
How Corporate Security
Can Prevent Domestic
Violence Attacks
Batterers at Work:
Assessing and Managing the Domestically Violent Employee
Intermediate Corporate Trainings
Domestic Violence Response
in the Global Workplace:
A Guide for Multi-National Employers
A Different Animal:
Assessing and Managing
Domestic Violence Threat
Domestic Violence Risks
and Resources: What EAP
Providers Need to Know
Domestic Violence
Risks and Resources
Assessing and Managing
Domestic Violence Threat
in the Workplace
Foundational Corporate Trainings
Everybody’s Business:
Domestic Violence and the Workplace
Workplace Violence: Prevention, Response, and Employer Responsibility
The 4 R’S:
Recognizing, Responding to, Referring, and Retaining Abused Employees
Educated Guess:
The Art and Science
of Threat Assessment
and Management
Trainings for Law Enforcement, Social Services,
and Domestic Violence Organizations
The Sexually Violent
Batterer: Assessing Risk
in Dual Perpetrators
The Employed Domestic Violence Victim:
Understanding Rights,
Risks, and Remedies
Survivors In The Field:
How to Safely Use Your Personal Trauma Experience
as an Advocacy Tool
Recognizing + Responding
to Intimate Partner
Violence in Families
Domestic Violence
Threat Assessment and Management: The Art of Holistic Protection
Safety Planning
Masterclass for
Snakes In The Grass:
Detecting Lethality in the Absence of Reported
Physical Abuse
In Vino Veritas:
The Intersection Between Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse
Assessing and Managing Threats in Domestic
Violence Legal Cases
Domestic Violence:
Officer Safety and
Officer Involved

Contact Us
If you’d like to learn more about one of our trainings or to explore which training may be right for you, contact us below.