Domestic Violence Response in the Global Workplace:
A Guide for Multi-National Employers

Across the world, up to 75% of women report being victims of domestic abuse, and where these employees live can greatly impact the help they receive. Employee-involved domestic violence can reach far beyond a corporation's headquarters, creating diverse workplace impacts in every country where they operate.

Expressly created for international companies, this training examines the differences in domestic violence worldwide, highlighting variations that can result in extraordinary challenges and unique opportunities for a global response. Discover how international laws and social attitudes can affect the corporate response to domestic violence and learn creative strategies for increasing workplace safety and productivity across the globe. Part 1 of the course is geared toward North American-based leaders, with particular attention to engaging regional partners and understanding the culturally specific needs and behaviors of foreign employees working in the United States. Part 2 is tailored to key personnel in global regional divisions, including Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and Africa/Middle East, and can be custom tailored to the client's operational map.

Both pieces feature an exploration into the prevalence rates, cultural beliefs, social dynamics, and laws that may impact employee-involved cases in the various regions, as well as the most effective response strategies for increasing recognition, disclosure, and safety outcomes in each location.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how the societal beliefs, gender roles, and attitudes of various world cultures may impact the experience of and the response to domestic violence

  2. Explore the international laws and community traditions that may affect the handling of domestic violence in the global workplace

  3. Develop culturally sensitive and appropriate strategies for supporting and assisting abused employees worldwide

Contact Presage Training to Learn More