Educated Guess:
The Art and Science of Threat Assessment and Management
Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (TAM) is a multidisciplinary, research-based process designed to identify, evaluate, and address potentially violent situations. Discover the theories and techniques of this holistic approach that can increase safety in organizations and communities through an enhanced understanding of risk and protective factors, precipitating events, and pre-incident indicators. Attendees will learn how to recognize dangerous behaviors, target vulnerabilities, advancing threat trajectories, and environmental risks with the goal of developing safe, effective interventions to help prevent violence from occurring.
Learning Objectives:
Understand how violent ideation forms and progresses to action, with a focus on the situational and personal factors that can fuel it
Explore five core principles of behavioral threat assessment and management that can help guide the interventional response
Identify key risk indicators, observable behaviors, and environmental conditions that may portend violent situations
Learn how to develop a comprehensive and effective intervention plan that can help prevent violent action